Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The corporate communications function of Microsoft Essay

The corporate communications function of Microsoft - Essay Example The firm that is analyzed in the paper is Microsoft as one of the largest and most well-known information technology companies in the world. Its internal and external communicational strategies have been analyzed to uncover how the company has been able to generate value for itself and also for its stakeholders. The study has revealed that the organizational communication plays a vital role in the success of a company. The internal communication comprises of the interaction among the employees and staff and the external communication includes the communication with the customers and notable external stakeholders like the investors. The company has improved its internal communication by incorporating advanced telecommunication technologies to virtually bring the employees together who are separated by national borders. It has been found that the communicational strategies incorporated by the company have helped to develop team work, productivity, and efficiency. The external communica tional strategies of the company include its marketing communications and promotional campaigns. Microsoft has developed its advertisements to highlight the brand image of the company and to create customer awareness about its products. It has leveraged its financial prowess to develop robust promotional campaigns. Finally, it has been concluded that the company has successfully designed its communicational process to increase its value generation and it has been recommended that in order to further improve them, it should adopt an integrated marketing strategy and adopt content localization.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Effective Teaching and Learning

Effective Teaching and Learning The purpose of Instructional design is to integrate resources to facilitate students acquisition of the learning goals as well as help teachers use what is available to help students achieve the desired learning outcome (Walter Dick, 2010). Nevertheless, instructional design should be grounded on theories of learning and instruction (Morrison, Ross Kemp, 2007). The following are several major teaching strategies and learning, instruction theories I have applied in my individual instructional plan. Also I will elaborate on the reasons for applying them in the following part. First, greet students before class. In my point of view, this is an effective way to build positive relationship between students and teacher .According to Boynton (2012), developing positive teacher-student relations are one of the most effective method teachers can take to establish a positive discipline climate in the classroom. Its not difficult for us to recognize that students who are treated with respect as well as love and care tend to behave well and have better academic performance. It is because we all want to be valued and respected and students without doubt also have these feelings, as a result, in order to get more attention and appreciation from the teacher, they will try to please teachers by behaving more appropriately to fit the teachers expectations. In this sense, we have to realize that rules alone cannot improve the behavior problems of students, whereas good teacher-students relationship can not only encourage students to behave well, but also benefit learning outcomes of students and help to ac hieve effective teaching. Second, improve the physical learning environment by arranging the desks in the U shape. With this arrangement, the teacher can see every student, and every student can see the board .This set-up puts the focus on the center of the room where the teacher will be teaching. Also, this set-up allows for ease of putting them into groups or partners. Besides, this arrangement maximizes the classrooms physical space and allows the teacher moving around the room a lot while teaching and keeping students attention. Despite facilitating easy teacher movement and proximity, it also improves student movement and communication. In short, the arrangement of the desks facilitates the teaching strategies employed and allows sufficient interaction between teacher and pupils, as well as among the pupils themselves Third, the lesson is presented in a way thats relevant to the students. In this instructional plan, the topic is about family and it is also further planned for students to show their own family photos, which are all closely related with the students. In this way, it gives the students a reason for learning, for they are relevant to their lives. Besides, it will stimulate the students interests and help to create a fun and productive learning environment. According to a neurologist and former classroom teacher Judy Willis, Long lists of vocabulary words that dont have personal relevance or dont resonate with a topic about which the student has been engaged are likely to be blocked by the brains affective (or emotional) filters, That is to say, students need a personal connection to the material, whether thats through engaging them emotionally or connecting the new information with previously acquired knowledge. In addition, making the information personally relevant can also improve the self-referent encoding of knowledge. Without this relevance, students may not only disengage and quickly forget, but they may also lose the motivation to try. (Bernard, 2010) Forth, use question strategies to facilitate students learning. According to Cotton (2006), questioning is second only to lecturing in popularity as a teaching method. So in this instructional plan, I use questions in order to: *quickly check for understanding by asking yes /no or true /false question and have students quickly stand up to show the answer they agree with. * gain attention, keep all students on task and reduce the likelihood of management problems *have students repeat directional procedures *elaborate on their answers /work * stimulate higher level thinking Apart from the aforementioned reasons, I also want to use questions to motivate students to learn. Because questions can offer a variety of opportunities to let students experience success, build up confidence, meet their intellectual and psychological needs and help to further develop their knowledge, skills and cognitive competence. Fifth, take advantage of cooperative learning of constructivist in teaching. I have applied two major methods of cooperative learning in this instructional design *Student Teams-Achievement Division *Jigsaw grouping By using the STAD, students will not only get enough time to rehearse new information, but also help each other to learn better through peer assistance in the small group . And in Jigsaw grouping, students are assigned to different roles in the group and only through sharing could they finish the task. Thus, the purpose of applying cooperative learning methods is not just for improving learning, but to cultivate a cooperative spirit, improve students presentation , social , communication skills and learn to be responsible as well. Sixth, provide various activities. In this instructional plan, I try to give students hands-on activities in order to achieve the following aims: * practice and rehearse what they have learned and give feedback to the teaching about their learning * get them away from passive learning through exploring and researching by themselves. *repeating information to keep it in STM, because information is lost rapidly without further processing. *give alternative opportunities for them to experience success and meet their psychological needs *create easy and interesting learning environment and have students actively and continuously engaged. Furthermore, it cant be denied that classrooms with motivated students, enthusiastic teachers, and stimulating, meaningful activities have fewer discipline problems, which is also crucial in helping to achieve effective learning. Seventh, use videos to supplement lessons. In recent years, the use of multimedia plays a more and more important role in teaching and learning because of the many advantages it has brought about. M. Hogreeve (1995) suggests several advantages with the use of multimedia for language learning, it includes a high level of stimulation of the senses a high level of involvement, attention, concentration -emotional arousal strong recognition effects So in the enrichment and remediation part of my instructional plan, I use a video of a family song in order to: *help to review and consolidate the knowledge learned *cater to different learning styles (visual, listening, touch) *vary material and mode of delivery to avoid satiation *get attention and improve memory by encoding information on the basis of dual code theory *motivate their interests in learning Eighth, apply scaffolding strategies in the teaching process. Scaffolding is the temporary assistance given by a teacher to help a learner learn how to do something, so that the learner will later be able to complete a similar task alone. As a result, I have added a scaffolding activity by modeling the family introduction first and then let the students do their own family introductions according to the words, sentences and ways the teacher has presented in her demonstration. Moreover, as can be seen in the first two parts of my instruction plan, I have used many questions to elicit new information of the lesson, which is another method of scaffolding through questioning techniques. Last but not least, provide positive and timely feedback to facilitate learning. Research on teaching effectiveness indicates that students need specific feedback to understand what is expected of them, correct errors, and get help in improving their performance (Sadker, D., Sadker, M. Zittleman, K.R., 2011). Therefore, I provide feedback to students and their performance throughout the instructional plan. There are many types of feedback, among which three types of feedback have been applied in this instruction plan. *nonverbal feedback *verbal feedback *motivational feedback (Barry, 2008) In the activity part , I ask the rest of the students to clap their hands to celebrate the students correct answering , which is a nonverbal feedback and acts as an encouragement and helps to build up the confidence of the students. I also use verbal feedback to try to provide the students with suggestion, clear direction for building on strengths or correcting errors when their answers are not on the right track. Motivational feedback is applied most frequently in this instruction plan, like awesome, yes, excellent, etc. They act as positive feedbacks that provide incentive for students to repeat actions that lead to good results. Hence, most of the time, feedback can be seen as a reinforcement, and plays a key part in reinforcing the good learning habits of students. In conclusion, the aforementioned strategies and theories are aimed at achieving effective teaching and learning, and at the same time, putting emphasis on the growth of students to enhance their social skills by being competent and responsible, developing in particular their self-motivation, self management and confidence in the process of learning. (Word counts: 1540)

Friday, October 25, 2019

My Personal Philosophy of Education :: Philosophy of Education Statement Teaching

An educator means that you are someone who cares and wants to see children be successful in your class and in their futures. The reason I want to become an educator is to make a difference in a child's life. I have worked with children for over seven years and everyday I spend with a child I learn someone new, about them and about myself. I want to give back to the community in which I was raised. I want to show them that they have helped make me become what I am today. A teacher can make a difference in a child's life to the good or bad if they went into the field for the wrong reason. I want to be remembered for the one who helped and made a difference a child?s life and also as good role model. In my classroom I would like to arrange the desk in a semi-circle and I want a sit at the head of the circle and than the circle will be complete. That way I will be able to see all of the children faces when involved in class discussion or in-group activities. This will show the students that I am equal and no one is better or less than the other. I still want my students to see me as the teacher and not a playmate when it comes to learning and see that I am in control of the class not them. I want them to be able to express what they are feeling and not be afraid that someone is going to put them down. On my bulletin boards I want to place work and coloring pictures that the students have brought in or did in class. I want to work with every student not just a selected few. I do not want to leave anyone out; I want them to be proud of their work. I would also like to have bulletin board with an historical theme such as up coming holidays, where the st udents can go and learn through different fun activities like coloring pages and information sheets that are on the board.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Why Daughters Need Their Fathers

Why does a daughter need a good dad? Fathers have a tremendous influence in their daughter’s lives. The research shows that daughters need their fathers and this influence determines a great deal of how the future will go. There is something special about the father/daughter relationship. I am the daddy of two very awesome little girls so I have firsthand experience and a keen appreciation for this subject. I want my daughters to have the best start in life possible. The responsibility I feel is weighty especially after I read the information below about how crucial a father’s role really is.The Reasons Daughters Need Their Fathers One of my most popular articles is 25 Things Every Father Must Teach His Daughter About Life. I was inspired to put it together after I read Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters: 10 Secrets Every Father Should Know by Meg Meeker, M. D. Dr. Meeker is a pediatrician. She has seen what a father’s influence means in the lives of girls from the counseling she’s done in her practice. If you are a daddy of girls, then you need to read this book. It should be mandatory for all fathers with daughters. I’m going to borrow some of Dr.Meeker’s stuff today to help you see why fathers are so important to the future success and happiness of their daughters. Here are three reasons daughters need their fathers: 1. Your Daughter Needs Your Protection Protection comes in many forms. Of course, when girls are young, they need us to protect them physically. However, as they grow up and venture out on their own, we can’t always be right there with them. But, we can still protect them by instilling in them confidence, wisdom and a sense that they are loved deeply by the most important man in their lives.You see, whether you want to admit it or not, our culture can sometimes be a very toxic and dangerous place for young women. Here are just a few of the disturbing statistics that Dr. Meeker cites in her book: â⠂¬ ¢Over 40% of girls 14 to 17 years old engage in unwanted sex because they fear their boyfriends will get angry if they don’t. That’s 4 out of 10! †¢Almost 12% of females will experience forced intercourse. †¢Over 35% of high school girls will have sad, hopeless feelings for longer than two weeks. †¢Over 11% of females attempt suicide. Don’t let your daughter become a statistic!A strong father can dramatically improve his daughter’s chances of avoiding these pitfalls and many others. Daughters who feel a close connection with their dad have fewer suicide attempts, fewer instances of body dissatisfaction, depression, low self-esteem, substance abuse and unhealthy weight. Your daughter needs you to protect her from these threats. 2. Your Daughter Needs to Know She Is Loved A father’s love is central to a daughter’s sense of well-being. A strong and loving father helps young girls avoid many of the mistakes that lead to the big ger problems in life. According to Dr.Meeker: †¢A daughter’s self-esteem is best predicted by her father’s physical affection. †¢Girls with good fathers are less likely to flaunt themselves to seek male attention. †¢Girls with involved fathers wait longer to initiate sex and have lower rates of teen pregnancy. †¢76% of teen girls said that their father influenced their decisions on whether they should become sexually active. A father who sets boundaries and curfews and makes a point of meeting the boys his daughter dates, makes her feel more loved and valued. As a result, this young woman will place more value on herself.A girl who places more value on herself is less likely to engage in risky behaviors such as casual sex, binge-drinking and taking drugs. So, even though she might not appear to like it on the outside, deep down inside, your daughter wants you to set boundaries and provide guidance. This makes her feel that you care about her. 3. You r Daughter Needs You to Be Involved It is not enough for a father to just be present. He must be actively involved. This requires spending time alone with your daughter on a regular basis. Time that you initiate and devote to her alone.You have to talk to her. â€Å"One of the great myths that our society perpetuates is that teenagers need their space,† says Dr. Meeker. â€Å"Even in affluent families, girls become sexually active and pregnant earlier if they don’t live with fathers, according to the largest and longest-term study on the problem,† cited an article in USA Today. You need to affirm your daughter verbally and often. Tell her that you love her and that she is pretty, but don’t stop there. Praise her for other desirable qualities like intelligence, courage, loyalty, integrity, a sense of humor and generosity.You want her to know that she’s valued for much more than just her physical appearance. Get involved in things that she likes. Thi s may be a little uncomfortable for some dads, but you’ve got to put all that aside and do what’s best for your daughter. She needs to know that she’s important to you and that you’re willing to engage with her on her terms. Personally, I’ve Learned a Lot from Playing Barbies with my daughters and you can too. An involved dad that is affectionate and spends quality one-on-one time with his daughter is investing in her future.This investment will pay off in big ways. Be the Father Your Daughter Needs I challenge the fathers out there to rise up be the kind of daddy that your daughter needs. Her future depends on you. There is nothing more important that you can be doing. There is time for all the other stuff later, but your daughter needs you now. Go be the father she needs. Please share this via Facebook, Twitter, email or your favorite social media site. My hope is that it will inspire a father to step up and get involved in his daughter’s life. It can make all the difference in the world!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Chinese Cultural Revolution

The Cultural Revolution in China was a social movement that took place in 1966 through 1976. This movement involved major changes that took place in the political, economic and social nature of China. These changes were very often for violent and corrupted means. This Cultural Revolution threatened China for 10 years. In the beginning of the revolution. â€Å"Destructive groups such as Red Guards and The Cultural Revolution Authority grasped the power, and China drove into the severe confusion† (http://library. hinkquest. org/26469/cultural-revolution/). Mao Zedong lead these Red Guard units â€Å"which denunciated and persecuted Chinese teachers and intellectuals, engaged in widespread book burnings, facilitated mass relocations, and enforced Mao's cult of personality† (http://www. infoplease. com/ce6/history/A0814235. html). His goal was to prevent the development of a bureaucratized Soviet style of Communism. The Red Guard units turned violent and lead to the group s plitting up into different sides.Agricultural production declined, but the countryside area experienced less disorder than in the cities. â€Å"Production was reduced in the modern nonagricultural sectors in several ways. The most direct cause of production halts was the political activity of students and workers in the mines and factories. A second cause was the extensive disruption of transportation resulting from the requisitioning of trains and trucks to carry Red Guards around the country. Output at many factories suffered from shortages of raw materials and other supplies.A third disruptive influence was that the direction of factories was placed in the hands of revolutionary committees, consisting of representatives from the party, the workers, and the People's Liberation Army, whose members often had little knowledge of either management or the enterprise they were supposed to run. In addition, virtually all engineers, managers, scientists, technicians, and other profession al personnel were â€Å"criticized,† demoted, â€Å"sent down† to the countryside to â€Å"participate in labor,† or even jailed, all of which resulted in their skills and knowledge being lost to the enterprise† (http://countrystudies. s/china/90. htm). The Cultural Revolution also had greater effects on the economy, in which foreign equipment was imported and technological advancement was needed.But the most serious and enduring effect on the economy was the lack of highly educated people do to the closing of the universities. China was unable to develop new technology and work with the imported technology because of its lack of highly educated personal. As political stability was gradually restored, a renewed drive for coordinated, balanced development was set in motion under the leadership of Premier Zhou Enlai† (http://countrystudies. us/china/90. htm). During the mid 1970s, a group known as the Gang of Four attempted to dominate the power center through their network of supporters and, most important, through their control of the media (http://countrystudies. us/china/90. htm). Mao Zedong died, and one month later the Gang of Four was arrested.